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St. Moritz Art Masters

David LaChapelle...Jesus is My Homeboy

St. Mortiz, Switzerland

August 29 - September 5, 2008

Press Release:


When summer is on the wane and we go back up from the beaches, tired with sun and saltiness, towards the mountains, the Engadin experiences the peak of its late August season. This year St. Moritz Art Masters - On The Top of the World - has reached its third edition; between 27 August and 5 September it devotes part of its program to special events, such as visits to the private residences of A-List collectors, the much anticipated and by now well known Walk on Art, a harmonious interpenetration between nature and art; there are also many original projects in association with major international artists, such as the Ship of Tolerance, made by Swiss children thanks to Ilya and Emilia Kabakov.


Once again St. Moritz Art Masters - SAM - places the spotlight on contemporary art in the splendid Alpine setting of the territory of Engadin. Famous artists, enthusiasts and collectors, experts, critics and curators will have the possibility of observing various expressive itineraries and tackling the complex topic selected for this part of the festival: "Cult or Art", during a symposium and numerous round tables.


Key contemporary personalities, such as Miguel Barceló, Stephan Balkenhol, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, Belgian Wim Delvoye and the great Jannis Kounellis, will create fascinating projects in association with international art galleries throughout the Engadin area. Also present will be David LaChapelle, the photographer legendary for his vibrant Baroque imagery.

For more information please visit the St Moritz Art Masters website



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